An aquifer’s structure has its own natural special charge
In handling water recharge, transmission, and discharge.
When humans interfere in their way
Aquifers bristle and have much to say
There may be serious confrontations that are large.
Aquifer’s habits and behavior have been in play
Human modifications may not have much to say
Aquifers can bite back
Without losing much slack
Can humans compromise with very little to pay?
We will not always have our way
With aquifers in the game they play.
They continue to adhere to nature’s creed,
And we must be meek and adjust our need.
We should look to see what the aquifers say.
In handling water recharge, transmission, and discharge.
When humans interfere in their way
Aquifers bristle and have much to say
There may be serious confrontations that are large.
Aquifer’s habits and behavior have been in play
Human modifications may not have much to say
Aquifers can bite back
Without losing much slack
Can humans compromise with very little to pay?
We will not always have our way
With aquifers in the game they play.
They continue to adhere to nature’s creed,
And we must be meek and adjust our need.
We should look to see what the aquifers say.